MTK 446 electronic timer: system requirements
This section lists support equipment external to the model
that is required for normal operation:
- A device for programming the timer. This can be one of:
- A Palm Pilot PDA. This can be any m-series model or
later provided it has a serial connector and runs PalmOS
3.5 or a later version. The m100 is adequate for this
- Any PalmOS PDA provided it has a serial port and runs
PalmOS 3.5 or later.
- A CASIO Digital Diary.
- A serial cable to connect the timer and programming device.
If a Palm Pilot is being used this will be the standard Palm
Hotsync cable together with the cable supplied by MTK, which
plugs onto the D-9 connector of the Hotsync cable.
- A charging cable and suitable charger. See under Batteries for further details.
- An IBM compatible PC and cable. This is only needed for
control program upgrades. The cable allows the standard PC to
be connected to the programming cable supplied by MTK.